My Top 5 Tips for Creating Photography Magic In-Home

In-home photoshoots have been and always will be a favourite of mine. They are intimate, personal, and tell YOUR story. A lot of people tell me that they couldn’t possibly do an in-home shoot because their home is always a mess or not stylish. Guess what? NOT TRUE. In-home shoots actually require very little prep work if done right. Below I have pulled together my top 5 tips for creating photography magic in-home.

  1. Pick 1 - 3 rooms where you would like photos taken. My favourite places are the master bedroom, kitchen, nursery, and bathroom* (I’ll explain). These locations are where a lot of couples and families spend their time and are typically areas in the home that get a lot of natural light. *Bathrooms can be absolutely magical for couples and families that are open to creating soul connection photos. I especially love bathtub photos for motherhood and babe sessions.

  2. Look for the light. Natural light is SO important when shooting indoors and will really impact how your images will turn out. When picking your room(s) where you would like to shoot pay attention to the time of day in which natural light is flooding through your windows. A good indication of sufficient lighting is when you can see pockets of light on your walls or floors reflecting from your window(s).

  3. Tuck away electronic cords! Dirty dishes and piles of laundry have nothing on pesky electronic cords. Honestly, if this is the only thing you tidy ahead of time I will love you forever!

  4. Light-coloured duvet covers and white sheets are your friends. Not only do lighter colours help reflect light they are less distracting than say a Space Jam duvet cover (trust me - been there, shot that). Don’t get me wrong, I love Space Jam, but unless it is part of your story tuck it away.

  5. Kick-off your shoes. In-home shoots call for being barefoot, comfy, and cozy. Stiff dress shirts don’t seem to work as well as a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

At the end of the day who cares if your home doesn’t look like it is right out of a magazine? It is YOUR HOME and is a part of YOU. What could be more real than that? The people in your life that will cherish these images are going to be focused on YOU - not whether or not your nightstands are perfect.

Focus on these tips and leave the rest to me :).



Devon Williams